Sulphurs of Texas and NE Mexico

Yellow Angled-sulphur    Anteos maerula

Yellow Angled Sulphur - Anteos maerula - Los Troncones Canyon, Tamps., MX  041117(2).jpg (141729 bytes) Yellow Angled Sulphur - Anteos maerula - GF MX  041119(2).jpg (85501 bytes) Yellow Angled Sulphur - Anteos maerula - GF MX  041119(3).jpg (91037 bytes) Yellow Angled Sulphur - Anteos maerula - GF MX  041119(4).jpg (97341 bytes) Yellow Angled Sulphur - Anteos maerula - GF MX  041119(5).jpg (79134 bytes)

Narrow-banded Dartwhite    Catasticta flisa flisa

Narrow-banded Dartwhite - Catasticta flisa flisa Ocampo MX 041120.jpg (90273 bytes) Narrow-banded Dartwhite - Catasticta flisa flisa Ocampo MX 041120(1).jpg (134376 bytes) Narrow-banded Dartwhite - Catasticta flisa flisa Ocampo MX 041120(2).jpg (95913 bytes) Narrow-banded Dartwhite - Catasticta flisa flisa Ocampo MX 041120(3).jpg (108771 bytes) Narrow-banded Dartwhite - Catasticta flisa flisa Ocampo MX 041120(4).jpg (102134 bytes)

Mexican Dartwhite    Catasticta nimbice nimbice

Mexican Dartwhite - Catasticta nimbice - Monterrey MX  041211(8).jpg (85444 bytes) Mexican Dartwhite - Catasticta nimbice - Monterrey MX  041211(1).jpg (133243 bytes) Mexican Dartwhite - Catasticta nimbice - Monterrey MX  041211(2).jpg (111576 bytes) Mexican Dartwhite - Catasticta nimbice - Monterrey MX  041211(3).jpg (84428 bytes) Mexican Dartwhite - Catasticta nimbice - Monterrey MX  041211(4).jpg (104404 bytes)

Creamy Melwhite    Melete lycimnia isandra

Creamy Melwhite - Melete lycimnia isandra Taninul MX 041122(3).jpg (75543 bytes) Creamy Melwhite - Melete lycimnia isandra Taninul MX 041122(4).jpg (86045 bytes) Creamy Melwhite - Melete lycimnia isandra Taninul MX 041122.jpg (77794 bytes) Creamy Melwhite - Melete lycimnia isandra Taninul MX 041123.jpg (87938 bytes) Creamy Melwhite - Melete lycimnia isandra Taninul MX 041122(2).jpg (117272 bytes)

Ghost Yellow    Eurema albula celata

Ghost Yellow - Eurema albula celata Taninul MX 041123.jpg (96456 bytes) Ghost Yellow - Eurema albula celata Taninul MX 041123(1).jpg (98157 bytes)

Salome Yellow    Eurema salome jamapa

Salome Yellow - E. salome jamapa Ocompo MX 041120(3).jpg (105252 bytes) Salome Yellow - E. salome jamapa Ocompo MX 041120.jpg (104920 bytes) Salome Yellow - E. salome jamapa Ocompo MX 041120(2).jpg (111346 bytes)

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