Ernie's Funeral

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Ernest J. Stangeland 1919-39
Ernest J. Stangeland 1940-84
Ernie's Funeral


Ernie said in his will that he wanted to be buried in an Eisenhower casket.  President Eisenhower had requested that he be buried in the same casket that all the troops that died while serving under him were buried in, a simple wooden box.  The family decided that it would be best if we built his casket so we did.

Phillip and Mark putting the base together

Phillip and Mark putting the base together

Mike and Phillip building the top

Mike and Phillip building the top

Mike and Janice installing the lining

Janice, Mike and Mark installing the lining

Janice, Lucille, Mike and Mark installing the lining

The finished base

The finished casket

Ernie's casket draped with the flag at his funeral

Ernie's funeral

Ernie's funeral

Mike says his final goodbye to his father


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